“Russian Group Targets Export Markets with New Generation Pumps” OOSKAnews Water Weekly, March 7, 2012
OOSKAnews Correspondent, MOSCOW, Russia - HMS Group, one of Russia’s largest pump manufacturers, has added a new generation of submersible pumps to its line and is planning to export the pumps in the Middle East-North Africa region. The company will also sell them in its traditional markets in Russia and former Soviet Union countries, Igor Tverdohleb, HMS’ head of research and development, told OOSKAnews via e-mail. The company is “targeting customers in water supply and treatment system operators, utilities, agricultural businesses in Russia and CIS countries,” Tverdohleb said. HMS will continue to manufacture and sell its existing FORTIS line of submersible pumps, which was introduced in 1993. But the next-generation Ciris pumps “can come in handy for more challenging operating conditions,” according to Tverdohleb. They are also designed to decrease life-cycle costs by as much as 35 percent, he said, thanks to a combination of engineering solutions, servicing and monitoring and additional training for customers. About 32 percent of all potable water in Russia is extracted from groundwater sources with HMS FORTIS pumps, Tverdohleb said. OOSKAnews Water Weekly